Young men learning at Agudath South's Night Seder Program
Agudath South offers many shiurim and learning programs that are open to the entire Toronto Community. These programs include:
Daf Yomi Programs
- Daf Yomi in English with Rabbi Kaufman
- Daf Yomi in Yiddish with Rabbi Wajsbrot
- Amud Yomi with Rabbi Yossi Phillip (8:45 pm Sunday-Friday)
Learning Programs
- Friday Night Learning a.k.a. FNL (Winter only)
- Rabbi Uri Kaufman’s Thursday night shiur
- Rabbi Uri Kaufman’s Sunday night shiur
- Daily Night Seder program
- The Sunday morning learning program.
Children’s Programs
- A boys mishna shiur
- Shabbos morning children’s program (2-5 years)
Additionally, Agudath South has a daytime Beis Medrash program led by Rabbi Glazerman that allows talmidim to learn in the mornings and attend university in the afternoon.